We are pleased to announce the launch of a brand new website for the Church Mission Society. This is our first site launch for the organisation, which unifies Christians on missions in 40 different countries.
New Capabilities and Functionalities
The new Drupal website was built to extend and enhance the website capabilities and functionalities, both for site visitors and for the organisation’s internal team. The organisation turned to us because their previous content management system (CMS) was not allowing them enough flexibility, and was becoming complex to maintain. In addition, their website was not integrated with their member database, which was holding them back in terms of the options they could offer on their site, especially with regards to fundraising.
We began this digital project with a full user experience (UX) cycle, focussing on the optimising the donation funnel and creating a better user journey for site visitors. The idea was to create the ideal website experience, and then tailor the technology solution to meet it.
We collaborated closely with the organisation’s internal design team to create a user-friendly design that complements the site functionality and content.
New Drupal CMS
We then replaced the organisation’s CMS, making sure to preserve all of the bespoke functionality that was built into it. The new CMS was easier to maintain and operate. We provided Drupal training for the organisation’s IT team, allowing them to take control of the website.
New Ways to Fundraise
We integrated the website to the organisation’s database of Christians who are currently on missions all over the world, allowing site visitors to find a person on a specific mission they relate to, and donate to their cause.
Additional Site Features
In addition to the section dedicated to fundraising, visitors can find information about the organisation, the community and the Christians currently on missions around the world. They can read mission stories. Visitors interested in mission opportunities can browse the options sorted by categories, such as short or long term. They can get involved in events or local groups, and register online as members.
We gave Pedalo a tight timescale and a tight budget. What I appreciated most was the openness and frankness about what could and could not be achieved related to both those constraints, leading to a relationship of trust as well as a website that has been met with an overwhelmingly positive response. Initial comments from users testify to the effort Pedalo put in to user experience: “great design, great pathways leading people through – and all very people-focused”; “the website has really good feel to it, easy to navigate and informative”; “easy to browse, and has clearer pathways”. – Jeremy Woodham, Communications Manager
The Church Mission Society operate a set of sub-brands and so it was imperative to create stakeholder alignment from the start. The project was completed to tight deadlines. Click here to see the result.
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